1. Science Education: Learning and Teaching Research Approaches
In this course, students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and familiarize themselves with the research current of didactical transposition of the scientific knowledge to school knowledge in formal and non formal educational settings. As part of their assessment, students should prepare a bibliographic report concerning international journals of science education and should design, develop and write a small research concerning innovative approaches in science teaching. Finally, they should engage in a final written exam.
2. Museology and Education
This course explores the role of modern science and technology museums and the evolution of this type of museums from collections museums to integrated science and technology centers. The relationship between museum and school is also discussed as a research object as well as the structured educational role of science and technology museums. As part of their assessment, students should (a) prepare a report on the description and analysis of web sites concerning Greek and international scientific and technological museums, (b) prepare and write a small research related to the educational role of science and technology museums and (c) engage in a final written exam.