Proceedings of International Conferences

  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos (2020), Research-based design of a teaching and learning sequence of the first law of thermodynamics, ESERA 2019 Conference e-Proceedings series titled “The Beauty and Pleasure of Understanding: Engaging with Contemporary Challenges Through Science Education” 622-630, Bologna,
  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos (2019), Teaching and Learning of the First Thermodynamics Law: The Sufficiency of the Macroscopic Framework from an Epistemological and Didactical Perspective. In F. Seroglou & V. Koulountzos (Eds.) Proceedings of15th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference, 140-147, Grafima Publications. pdf
  • P. Georgopoulou & D. Koliopoulos (2017). Archaeological museums as environments of informal and non-formal science and technological education: The case of Educative Islets. In V. Ferrara (Ed.) Proceedings of the EdMuse Conference ‘Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and Learning’, 100 – 103, Rome, Sapienza Università di Roma. pdf
  • D. Koliopoulos (2013). Is it possible to teach energy in preschool education? Proceedings of the WCPE Conference, 451-455. pdf
  • N. Kanderakis, S. Dossis & D. Koliopoulos (2011). Teachers’ conceptions about the implementation of a HPS sequence concerning the movement of a simple pendulum, In F. Seroglou, V. Koulountzos & A. Siatras (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International IHPST and 6th Greek History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Joint Conference ‘Science and Culture: Promise, Challenge and Demand’, 394-396, Thessaloniki, Epikentro.pdf
  • F. Seroglou, S. Dossis, N. Kanderakis, D. Koliopoulos, V. Koulountzos, P. Papadopoulos, E. Paraskevopoulou, P. Piliouras, N. Tsagliotis & G. Vleioras (2011). Developing and using evaluation research tools for science teaching cases informed by the History and Philosophy of Science. In F. Seroglou, V. Koulountzos & A. Siatras (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International IHPST and 6th Greek History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Joint Conference ‘Science and Culture: Promise, Challenge and Demand’, 687-696, Thessaloniki, Epikentro. pdf
  • S. Tantaros, K. Sarigianni, E. Sotriropoulou, D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (2008). Etude des notations à visée communicationnelle par des enfants d’une école primaire en Grèce dans le cadre d’une activité scientifique, In A. Weil-Barais, E. Marti & K. Ravanis (2005) Actes du Colloque Internationale ‘Noter pour Penser, Approches Développementales et Didactiques’, Université d’Angers, Laboratoire de Psychologie, (10/4/2012).
  • S. Dossis & D. Koliopoulos (2005), The problem of Timekeeping with the Help of the Simple Pendulum: An Empirical Study of 14-15-year-old Greek School Students, In M. Matthews (Ed.) 2nd International Pendulum Project, 65-78, Sydney, University of New South Wales. pdf
  • D. Koliopoulos & X. Arapaki (2004), Art, science and technology in early childhood education: constructing an in-service training program about the notion of color, In G. Haktanir & T. Guler (Eds.) Proceedings of OMEP 2003 World Conference, v.1, 260-269, Yayima Hazirlayandar Editors. pdf
  • D. Koliopoulos & C. Constantinou (2002), An analysis of the treatment of the simple pendulum in Greek and Cypriot science curricula, In M. Matthews (Ed.) International Pendulum Project, Conference papers, 239-250, Sydney, University of New South Wales[1].
  • V. Zogza, K. Ravanis, G. Bagakis & D. Koliopoulos (2001), Working with sciences in kindergarten: Didactic strategies», In G. Bisdikian et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of ESERA “Science Education Research in the Knowledge based Society”, vol. 2, 709-711, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (1999), La classification du contenu conceptuel des curriculums concernant l’énergie: Vers une modélisation des points de vue sur l’enseignement de l’énergie, Rencontres Scientifiques de l’Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Sciences et Techniques, 156-160, ARDIST.
  • D. Koliopoulos, G. Bagakis & Y. Papamichael (1996), Qualitative analysis of junior secondary science textbooks: the case of energy concept, In M. Kondyli & Y. Papamichael (Eds.), Proceedings of the UNESCO’s International workshop: Pedagogical research and school textbooks elaboration, 53-56,  UNESCO Chair of Patras University.pdf
  • G. Bagakis, G. Fassoulopoulos, N. Kanderakis, P. Kariotoglou, D. Koliopoulos, D. Spirakos & E. Theodoropoulos (1991), A framework for approaching the friction concept and its treatment in textbooks, In K.M. Paraskevopoulos (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, v.1, 33-35, Hellenic Physical Society, Thessaloniki Branch.pdf