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- I. Ioannidou, N. Sissamperi & D. Koliopoulos (2023). An immersive learning environment on the introduction of power generation systems for pre-service teachers of early childhood edu-cation. Mediterranean Journal of Education, 3(2), 119-129. pdf
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- K. Meli, D. Koliopoulos & K. Lavidas (2021). A model-based constructivist approach for bridging qualitative and quantitative aspects in teaching and learning the first law of thermodynamics, Science & Education, 31(2), 451-485. pdf
- N. Sissamperi & D. Koliopoulos (2021). How students of primary school understand large scale energy systems: the case of thermal power plant. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 11(1), 129‑145. pdf
- E. Gkouskou & D. Koliopoulos (2021). Describing the educational role of Natural History museums: An analysis tool for pre-service and in-service teachers. European Journal of Educational Studies, 8(1), 217-234. pdf
- P. Georgopoulou, D. Koliopoulos & A. Meunier (2021). The dissemination of elements of scientific knowledge in archaeological museums in Greece: Socio-cultural, epistemological and communicational/educational aspects. Scientific Culture, 7(1), 31-44. pdf
- Ν. Delegkos & Koliopoulos (2020). Constructing the ‘energy’ concept and its social use by students of primary education in Greece. Research in Science Education, 50 (2), 393-418. pdf
- K. Meli, K. Lavidas & D. Koliopoulos (2020). Factors that influence students in choosing physics programmes at university level: The case of Greece. Research in Science Education, 50 (4), 1075 – 1091. pdf
- K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos (2019). Model-based simulation design for the students’ conceptual understanding of introductory thermodynamics. Journal of Physics: Conf Series 1287. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1287/1/012054. pdf
- A. Dalapa, V. Vagena, N. Sissamberi & D. Koliopoulos (2019). Using a hydraulics bench to investigate 6th grade students’ energy conceptions. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 6(1), 225-231. pdf
- V. Stavropoulos & D. Koliopoulos (2019). Teaching energy concepts in complex technological systems: The case of the car. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 6(1), 308-314. pdf
- A. Parissi, A. Laourdeki & D. Koliopoulos (2019). Characterization of minerals based on geological criteria by children in early school years in a non-formal educational setting. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 6(1), 380-386. pdf
- D. Dziva, M.R. Nyikahadzoyi, K. Ravanis & D. Koliopoulos (2018). Teacher knowledge manifestation of Integrated Science Teachers in Zimbabwe. Open Journal for Educational Research, 2(2), 57-72. pdf
- M.R. Mabeyane, T. Nyabanyaba, D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (2017). The probable causes for the espoused inadequacies in science student teachers’ practice teaching in schools at the National University of Lesotho. Journal of Subject Didactics, 2(1), 1-19. pdf
- K. Meli, D. Koliopoulos, K. Lavidas & G. Papalexiou (2016). Upper secondary school students’ understanding of adiabatic compression. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 10(2), 131-147. pdf
- K. Meli, K. Zacharos & D. Koliopoulos (2016). The Integration of Mathematics in Physics Problem Solving: A Case Study of Greek Upper Secondary School Students. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16(1), 48-63. pdf
- S.Tantaros, K. Ravanis, D. Koliopoulos, K. Sarigianni, & E. Sotiropoulou (2016). L’utilisation des prises de notes dans le cadre d’une activité scientifique chez les enfants de 5 à 12 ans., Magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación, 8(17), 13-26. pdf
- N. Sissamberi & D. Koliopoulos (2015). A didactical approach of large – scale electricity generation systems at the elementary school level. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 2(2), 14-24. pdf
- A. Filippoupoliti & D. Koliopoulos (2014). Informal and non-formal education: An outline of History of Science in museums. Science & Education, 23 (4), 781-791. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, J-M. Boilevin, S. Dossis, E. Paraskevopoulou & K. Ravanis (2013). Rapport au savoir scientifique de futurs professeurs des écoles en France et en Grèce : le cas du pendule. Recherches en Didactique des Sciences et des Technologies, 8, 163-188. pdf
- K. Ravanis, C. Ben Kilani, J.-M. Boilevin & D. Koliopoulos (2013). Representations et obstacles des élèves de 10 ans pour la formation des ombres, Journal of Didactics, 4(1), 1-14. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos & C. Constantinou (2013). Energy in Education. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 6(1), 3-6. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, A. Aduriz-Bravo & K. Ravanis (2011). El «análisis del contenido conceptual» de los currículos y programas de ciencias: una posible herramienta de mediación entre la didáctica y la enseñanza de las ciencias, Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 29(3), 315–324. pdf
- E. Paraskevopoulou & D. Koliopoulos (2011). Teaching the Nature of Science through the Millikan-Ehrenhaft dispute. Science & Education, 20(10), 943-960. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos & M. Argyropoulou (2011). Constructing qualitative energy concepts in a formal educational context with 6 – 7 year old students. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 5(1), 63-80. pdf
- X. Arapaki & D. Koliopoulos (2010). Popularization and teaching of the relationship between visual arts and natural sciences: historical, philosophical and didactical dimensions of the problem. Science & Education, 20, 7, 797-803. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, V. Christidou, I. Symidala & M. Koutsoumba, (2009). Pre-energy reasoning in pre-school children. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 3, 1, 123-140. pdf
- K. Ravanis & D. Koliopoulos (2008). Proceduri didactice de destabilizare şi de reconstruire a sistemului de reprezentări spontane referitoare la formarea umbrelor la elevii de 10 ani, Revista de Psihologie şi Ştinţele Educaţiei 2, 2, 3-11.
- S. Dossis & D. Koliopoulos (2007). Comment les élèves du collège conçoivent le mouvement du pendule: une recherche empirique. Skholê, hors-série 1, 41-51. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, S. Dossis & E. Stamoulis (2007). The use of history of science texts in teaching science: Two cases of an innovative, constructivist approach, The Science Education Review, 6, 2, 44-56. pdf
- K. Ravanis, D. Koliopoulos & J-M Boilevin (2007), Construction of a Precursor Model for the Concept of Rolling Friction in the Thought of Preschool Age Children: A Socio-cognitive Teaching Intervention, Research in Science Education, 38, 4, 421-434. pdf
- K. Zacharos, D. Koliopoulos, M. Dokimaki & H. Kassoumi (2007), Views of prospective early childhood education teachers, towards mathematics and its instruction, European Journal of Teacher Education, 30, 3, 305–318. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, J-M Boilevin & K. Ravanis (2005), La classification du contenu conceptuel des curriculums concernant l’énergie comme outil éducatif, Ensaio, Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências, 7, 1, 63-75. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos & C. Constantinou (2005), The pendulum as presented in school science textbooks of Greece and Cyprus, Science & Education, 14, 1, 59-73. pdf
- K. Ravanis, D. Koliopoulos & Y. Hadjigeorgiou (2004), What factors does friction depend on? A socio-cognitive teaching intervention with young children, International Journal of Science Education, 26, 8, 997-1007. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos, S. Tantaros, M. Papandreou & K. Ravanis (2004) Preschool children’s ideas about floating: a qualitative approach, Journal of Science Education, 5, 1, 21-24. pdf
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- D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (2001), Didactic implications resulting from students’ ideas about energy: an approach to mechanical, thermal and electrical phenomena, Themes in Education, 2, 2-3, 161-173. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (2000), Réflexions méthodologiques sur la formation d’une culture concernant le concept d’énergie à travers l’éducation formelle, Revue de Recherches en Education : SPIRALE, 26, 73-86. pdf
- D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis (2000), Elaboration et évaluation du contenu conceptuel d’un programme constructiviste concernant l’approche énergétique des phénomènes mécaniques, Didaskalia, 16, 33-56. pdf
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[1] Comparative Education Review, vol. 48, no. 4, http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/page/CER/bibliog03.html.
[2] Bibliographie commentée, “Modèles d’enseignement”, GREDIC, 37, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2001.
[3] Bibliography, “Students’ Alternative Frameworks and Science Education”, 58, Institute for Science Education, IPN University of Kiel, 1988.
[4] Bibliography, “Students’ Alternative Frameworks and Science Education”, 74, Institute for Science Education, IPN University of Kiel, 1988.