Ανακοινώσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια



  • Meli, D. Koliopoulos & K. Lavidas, Utilizing physics teachers’ epistemological and pedagogical conceptions on thermodynamics to develop training programs, GIREP Conference 2022, “Effective Learning in Physics from Contemporary Physics to remote Settings”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4-8 July 2022.
  • Meli, D. Koliopoulos & K. Lavidas, Physics teachers’ training webinars for teaching and learning introductory thermodynamics in upper secondary school, 14th Conference of the ESERA, University of Minho-Braga, 30 August – 3 September 2021
  • Pappa & D. Koliopoulos, Analysis and assessment of the designing process of Science Festival activities. A Greek case study, Science & You Conference, Metz, 16-19 November 2021 (http://www.science-and-you.com/en/SS5).
  • Pappa & D. Koliopoulos, Pseudoscience in the era of COVID-19: the case of Greece, Science & You Conference, Metz, 16-19 November 2021 (http://www.science-and-you.com/en/SS6)
  • Pappa & D. Koliopoulos, Developing a methodological tool to analyze and evaluate the design of Science Festival activities. Theoretical considerations and practical implications, Virtual Conference, 24-27 May 2021 (https://pcst.co/archive/virtual/paper/791).
  • Koliopoulos & K. Meli, Educational programs integrated visits to the Science and Technology Museum: A research framework, 15h International Conference on Inclusive Museum, Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia, USA, 22-24 April 2022.
  • Georgopoulou, A. Meunier & D. Koliopoulos, Archaeometry as an interdisciplinary field of exhibition design and non-formal education, 13th International Conference on The Inclusive Museum, Lisbon, 3-5 September 2020.
  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos, Research-based design of a teaching and learning sequence for the first law of thermodynamics, ESERA 2019 Conference “The beauty and pleasure of understanding: Engaging with contemporary challenges through science education”, Bologna, 26-30 August 2019.
  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos, Teaching and Learning of the First Thermodynamics Law: The Sufficiency of the Macroscopic Framework from an Epistemological and Didactical Perspective, 15th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference, Thessaloniki, 15-19 July 2019
  • A. Dalapa, V. Vagena, N. Sissamberi & D. Koliopoulos, Using a hydraulics bench to investigate 6th grade students’ energy conceptions, SIEST Conference “Science and technology education for all”, Patras, 3-5 April 2019.
  • V. Stavropoulos & D. Koliopoulos, Teaching energy concepts in complex technological systems: The case of the car, SIEST Conference “Science and technology education for all”, Patras, 3-5 April 2019.
  • A. Parissi, A. Laourdeki & D. Koliopoulos, Characterization of minerals based on geological criteria by children in early school years in a non-formal educational setting, SIEST Conference “Science and technology education for all”, Patras, 3-5 April 2019.
  • E. Pappa & D. Koliopoulos, Science Festivals: A science communication approach that needs further evaluation, Science and You International Conference on Science Communication, Beijing, 15-17 September 2018.
  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos, Simulation design for the students’ conceptual understanding of introductory thermodynamics, GIREP-MPTL 2018 Conference ‘Research and Innovation in Physics education: Two sides of the same coin, San Sebastian, 9-13 July, 2018.
  • A. Koufou, P. Georgopoulou, G. Manolopoulou, G. Papadopoulou & D. Koliopoulos, Cultural networks and innovative practices: Towards a dynamic cooperation between museum and education through three Greek case studies, 2018 YOCOCU Conference ‘Dialogues in Cultural Heritage’, Matera, 23-25 May, 2018.
  • D. Koliopoulos, Musées de science : Études de cas en Grèce. Séminaire EREST-GREM, Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montréal, 28 Mars, 2018 (Invited conference presentation)
  • D. Koliopoulos, K. Meli, K. Lavidas & G. Papalexiou, Upper secondary school students’ understanding of adiabatic compression, Colloque SIEST ‘Enseignement des sciences et technologies dans une société de la connaissance’, ESPE, Aix-Marseille Université, 11-13 Novembre, 2016.
  • D. Koliopoulos, K. Lavidas & K. Meli, Report on Factor Analysis for HOPE University Students Questionnaire: The case of University of Patras, Greece, HOPE Annual Forum 2016, University of Bucharest and Constanta Maritime University, 7-10 September, 2016.
  • D. Koliopoulos & X. Arapaki, Constructing a training program about light and color concerning pre and in-service teachers, HOPE Annual Forum 2016, University of Bucharest and Constanta Maritime University, 7-10 September, 2016.
  • K. Meli & D. Koliopoulos, Factors that bring together and keep apart choosers and non-choosers of physics studies at university level in Greece, HOPE Annual Forum 2015, University of Coimbra, CoimbraA.
  • Filippoupoliti & D. Koliopoulos, Science museums/centres and early childhood education: Some possible factors that should affect the conceptual dimension of education programmes, 2012 CIMUSET Conference: Brighter perspectives for science and technological museums, Tampere/Elsinki, 28-31/8, 2012
  • D. Koliopoulos, Is it possible to teach energy in preschool education? WCPE, The world conference on physics education, Istanbul, 1-5 July, 2012.
  • D. Koliopoulos, E. Gouskou & X. Arapaki, How to design a teaching intervention about the concept of classification of animals for preschool children in the framework of cooperation between school and zoological museum? SIEST Conference, Tunis, 26-28 April, 2012.
  • E. Gkouskou & D. Koliopoulos, Teaching animal categorization in preschoolers using typical-non typical educational environments, ESERA 2011 Conference, Lyon, 5-9 September, 2011.
  • N. Kanderakis, S. Dossis & D. Koliopoulos, Teachers’ conceptions about the implementation of a HPS sequence concerning the movement of a simple pendulum, 11th International IHPST and 6th Greek History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Joint Conference, Thessaloniki, 1-5 July, 2011.
  • F. Seroglou, S. Dossis, N. Kanderakis, D. Koliopoulos, V. Koulountzos, P. Papadopoulos, E. Paraskevopoulou, P. Piliouras, N. Tsagliotis & G. Vleioras, Developing and using evaluation research tools for science teaching cases informed by the History and Philosophy of Science, 11th International IHPST and 6th Greek History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Joint Conference, Thessaloniki, 1-5 July, 2011.
  • D. Koliopoulos & M. Argyropoulou. Constructing qualitative energy concepts in a formal educational context wit 6-7 year old students, Colloque ‘Enseigner les sciences et technologies’, Marseille, 8-11 Novembre 2010.
  • D. Koliopoulos, S. Dossis & N. Kanderakis, The attitudes of students toward the introduction of case histories inspired from the history of science in the teaching of science, International Conference ‘History and Philosophy of Science Teaching’, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 11-14 Mars, 2010.
  • N. Kanderakis, D. Koliopoulos, S. Dossis & E.Paraskevopoulou, Implementing HPS teaching sequences: a case study, Nordic Symposium on Philosophy and History of Science in Science Education, Helsinki, Finland, 28-30 October 2009.
  • X. Arapaki & D. Koliopoulos, Popularization and teaching of the relationship between visual arts and natural sciences: historical, philosophical and didactical dimensions of the problem, International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group Conference, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, USA, 24-28 June 2009.
  • D. Koliopoulos & S. Dossis, The problem of measuring time with the help of the simple pendulum: The use of texts from the history of physics as tools for the investigation of pupils’ conceptions, 7th International Conference for History of Science in Science Education “Adapting Historical Knowledge Production to the Classroom”, Athens, Greece, 7-11 July 2008 (Invited Conference).
  • D. Koliopoulos, La formation des étudiants – futures enseignants à l’éducation préscolaire à l’université de Patras, Séminaire Régionale RIFFEF «La gouvernance d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur, formateurs d’enseignants», Iasi, Roumanie, 15-16 Septembre 2006.
  • S. Dossis & D. Koliopoulos, The problem of Timekeeping with the Help of the Simple Pendulum: An Empirical Study of 14-15-year-old Greek School Students, 2nd International Pendulum Project, Sydney, Australia, 13-15 October 2005.
  • S. Tantaros, K. Sarigianni, E. Sotiropoulou, D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis, Etude des notations au but communicationnel par les enfants d’une école primaire en Grèce dans le cadre d’une activité scientifique, Colloque International «Noter pour Penser», Angers, France, 27-28 Janvier 2005.
  • D. Koliopoulos & X. Arapaki, Art, science and technology in early childhood education: constructing an in-service training program about the notion of color, OMEP 2003 World Conference, Kusadasi, Turkey, 5-11 October 2003.
  • S. Tantaros, D. Koliopoulos, M. Papandreou & K. Ravanis, Notational practices within activities of preschoolers’ constructions of scientific knowledge, 10th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Padova, Italy, August 26-30, 2003.
  • D. Koliopoulos, Blunting the tensions between informal and formal education in science: reforming the relationship between the school and the science museum in Greece, Droushia Seminar «Science Learning in the Mediterranean», University of Cyprus, Droushia, Cyprus, 11-15 September 2002.
  • D. Koliopoulos & C. Constantinou, An analysis of the treatment of the simple pendulum in Greek and Cypriot science curricula, International Conference «International Pendulum Project», University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 16-19 October 2002.
  • K. Ravanis, G. Bagakis, V. Zogza, D. Koliopoulos, Working with sciences in kindergarten: didactic strategies, 3d international conference of ESERA «Science Education Research in the Knowledge based Society», Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-26 August 2001.
  • D. Koliopoulos & K. Ravanis, La classification du contenu conceptuel des curriculums concernant l’énergie: Vers une modélisation des points de vue sur l’enseignement de l’énergie, Rencontres Scientifiques de l’Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Sciences et Techniques (ARDIST), Cachan, France, 26-28 Octobre 1999.
  • K. Ravanis, G. Bagakis & D. Koliopoulos, The utilization and operation of the thermometer as a technical tool for the thought of pre-scholars, 3rd Warwick International Early Years Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 12-16 April 1999.
  • D. Koliopoulos , G. Bagakis & Y. Papamichael,  Qualitative analysis of junior secondary science textbooks: the case of energy concept, UNESCO’s International Workshop: Pedagogical Research and School Textbooks elaboration, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29 Mars-1 April 1995.
  • G. Bagakis, G. Fassoulopoulos, N. Kanderakis, P. Kariotoglou, D. Koliopoulos, D. Spirakos & E. Theodoropoulos, A framework for approaching the friction concept and its treatment in textbooks,  1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1991.
  • D. Koliopoulos, P. Kariotoglou & D. Psillos, Introducing energy in the secondary school: the case of the energetical chains, 1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1991.
  • D. Koliopoulos, A. Tiberghien & D. Psillos, Role of students’ interpretation in the development of teaching situations based on experiments. The case of an introductory teaching of energy in Greece (12-14 years old), 3rd European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Madrid, Spain, September 1989.
  • P. Kariotoglou, D. Koliopoulos & D. Psillos, A study of pupils’ conceptions about fluids: The case of pressure in liquids, 3rd European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Madrid, Spain, September 1989.